
Umbrella Dreams has many features (that they probably can't keep up with) and this page is dedicated to make your life easier by explaining what everything stands for, means, and when we'll be doing it.


Waiting On Wednesday 

Waiting on Wednesday is basically a meme that shares books that we can't wait for to come out. Nicole and Sarah will do one book each so they won't run out of ideas too quickly. Sarah won't always participate in the Waiting on Wednesday memes as sometimes she can't think of anything. So as you can tell, this is a meme Nicole and Sarah will do on Wednesdays. Waiting on Wednesdays are hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

In My Mailbox

IMM is a blog meme that Sarah and Nicole will sometimes do on Mondays. This meme will briefly explain what books they got over the week. There is no constant schedule for IMMs, because Sarah and Nicole don't always get new books. In My Mailbox is a meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren.


Being a Thursday Cover Hoard

BATCH is an original meme hosted by Umbrella Dreams. It is about anything cover-related (which covers we like, which covers we hate, which covers don't match some books, misleading covers, etc..).


Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers & writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the author’s choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.


A Lot Can Happen In a Month [Monthly Meme]

The Monthly Meme is a recap on all the things Nicole and Sarah did over the month.It is usually written by Nicole.

Original Specials Hosted by Umbrella Dreams

Rants (Raging at Nonsense Things)

Rants are just a once in a while thing Nicole and Sarah do whenever they come across something in a book that they find nonsense. They will write a brief (Sarah) or super long (Nicole) post about WHY those things exist, WHY they hate them, and just plain WHY the noun in question is stupid.

RANDOM (Rhetorically Asked Not Discussed On Memes) 

RANDOM is a once in a while thing as well. Sarah and Nicole will answer some questions that they think people would want the answers to, but never really ask about. They will use their internet skills to look up the answers and write a brief paragraph about it. This will usually be done by Sarah as Nicole does most of the other posts.

Upcoming Book Reviews

It's just a short list of books that we hope to review over the month. Done by Nicole and Sarah.

Review Style


If you have been with Umbrella Dreams for a while, you would know that Nicole and Sarah used to do "ranks" each category (romance, adventure, etc..) But recently, Nicole and Sarah have found several reasons to quit using them. They have started a new idea/theme that they are super excited to introduce to you. Since Nicole is a big-time Goodreads user and loves to post her reviews there as well as our blog, she has some difficulty with the format. Goodreads doesn't allow color-coding and text size, so it's harder to use the rank format. Sarah, however, has a totally different idea on her reason to use this new format. 

Because there are many different book blogs out there and she has been thinking about how to make our blog unique, Sarah has devised a different type of book blogging:

Book+Movie Review

Nicole and Sarah both love movies and they often try to watch some interesting movies together. Nicole thought up of having a review about the book as well as a short review of the movie, comparing it to the book and explaining which one they thought was better.

Review+Journal Review

Sarah was super excited when she thought of this one. For this type of review, she is going to do a short/brief journal in the beginning of the review to show her reactions to the book. She will only do reactions because she doesn't want to spoil anything for you guys. She will also do page numbers of where I stopped/got reaction and will record a short bit of information on her reaction.


Umbrella Dreams hope to do a good schedule containing of around 4 to 6 posts a week as Sarah and Nicole want to accomplish our goals as quick as possible (see Goals). They hope you enjoy their blog! And please subscribe as that gives them encouragement. :D


Holiday posts aren't about book reviews or anything else similar. A holiday post is just a holiday greeting from either Nicole or Sarah. It's just a small way to thank you guys, so even though they are going to be very short, keep in mind that Sarah and Nicole mean a lot. (: