Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Books

Information: With the new year approaching, new books are coming as well! That is why I've collected a variety of these soon-to-be releases to share with you guys. A lot of these are sequels, so if you haven't, read the first book! These series are definitely worth to be recommended if they are on here. I've also tried to post only one or two of each genre [if I posted everything, this list will grow to be the size of Jupiter!] so some popular releases might not be on here.

Dystopian: Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi -- I read the first book, "Under the Never Sky" recently and I really enjoyed it. The review will be up soon, but I couldn't help but share the sequel on here. I thought the concept of this dystopian world was really interesting and I can't wait to read more about it. Plus, the characters were really realistic and life-like. I'd love to visit them again.

Paranormal: The Essence by Kimberly Derting -- I read the first book of this awhile ago, but I remember liking it a lot. The ending was kind of an open ending, but it was pretty satisfying, so I was surprised to learn it had a sequel. Nonetheless, I want to read it....though I have to admit: I read The Pledge [the first book] because of its beautiful cover and The Essence's cover doesn't disappoint either.(:

Everbound by Brodi Ashton -- You know me. I'm the biggest Everneath fan on Earth; How can I resist putting this on the list?(:

Science Fiction: Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza -- Mila 2.0 will be the first in its series, so I'm pretty excited about reading this. I have high hopes for it because of the good reviews on Goodreads, but you should know: I'm a really big fan of sci-fi stuff. That's why I'm really anticipating this release.

Historical/Horror: A Darkness Strange and Lovely by Susan Dennard -- You probably saw my review for the first book awhile ago on Umbrella Dreams but I'm really, really, really excited to read this too. The characters were so fantastic (especially Jie and Daniel) and the historical part of this makes me like it even more. Normally, I'm not a big fan of historical fiction books, but Susan Dennard has this unique writing style that makes historical fiction fun to read. Besides, this book is about zombies! (it isn't really a horror book, but I put it in that category, because it's meant to be somewhat scary/paranormal)

Comtemporary: Premeditated by Josin Mcquein -- I stumbled across this book on Goodreads and it sounded pretty good. Needless to say, I'm waiting for its release as well. Because honestly,

Other genres: Pivot Point by Kasie West -- I wasn't sure where to put this book genre-wise because it sounded paranormal with some contemporary in it. Mostly, I think it belongs in the paranormal section, but it didn't involve any mythical creatures or spirits (as far as I know), so I didn't put it there. But anyways, Pivot Point is a book I stumbled across in Goodreads and it's about a girl with magical powers. It kind of reminds me of Shatter Me, and since I enjoyed that book so much, I think I'll like Pivot Point a lot.

Parallel by Lauren Miller -- I wasn't sure about where to place this either. It's about parallel universes, which is slightly paranormal but not truly...So um, yeah. But the cover is gorgeous, and I'm probably the biggest science fiction geek, so I'm interested in reading it.

Crash by Lisa McMann -- Again, this book is not-seperable-by-genre, because it's about a girl who sees visions, but that's technically not involving mythical creatures, so I can't put it into paranormal. I'll just leave it here in the "other genres" and categorize it as a book I really want to read.

So those are the books I want to read! There are many more, but because of time limitations, I didn't put them on here. I recommend you to go on Goodreads and check out some of the books on your own!


  1. Thanks for your comment! I love your choices too, they look like really good books! I've read many good reviews about Under the Never Sky so I'm requesting it~ :]
    So, I take it that you really liked it?

    1. Yup, it was a really good book! You should definitely read it! The beginning is confusing at first, like I stated in my review but it gets a lot better in the middle.(:
